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- /*
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | PHP version 4.0 |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright (c) 1997-2001 The PHP Group |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
- | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
- | available at through the world-wide-web at |
- | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
- | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
- | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
- | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Authors: Uwe Steinmann <Uwe.Steinmann@fernuni-hagen.de> |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
- /* $Id: php_ps.h,v 1.5 2004/03/04 07:26:22 steinm Exp $ */
- #ifndef PHP_PS_H
- #define PHP_PS_H
- #ifdef PHP_WIN32
- #define PHP_PS_API __declspec(dllexport)
- #else
- #define PHP_PS_API
- #endif
- #if HAVE_PS
- #include <libps/pslib.h>
- extern zend_module_entry ps_module_entry;
- #define ps_module_ptr &ps_module_entry
- extern PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(ps);
- extern PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(ps);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_new); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_delete); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open_file);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_get_buffer); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_close);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_begin_page);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_end_page);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_get_value);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_value);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_get_parameter);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_parameter);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_findfont); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_stringwidth); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setfont); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_show);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_show_xy);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_show2);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_show_xy2);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_continue_text);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_show_boxed);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_stringwidth); /* new parameters: [int font, float size] */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_text_pos);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setdash);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setpolydash); /* new function: not yet finished */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setflat);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setlinejoin);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setlinecap);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setmiterlimit);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setlinewidth);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_save);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_restore);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_translate);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_scale);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_rotate);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_skew);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_concat); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_moveto);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_lineto);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_curveto);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_circle);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_arc);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_rect);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_closepath);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_closepath_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_fill);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_fill_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_closepath_fill_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_clip);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_endpath);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setgray_fill);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setgray_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setgray);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setrgbcolor_fill);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setrgbcolor_stroke);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setrgbcolor);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open_image_file); /* new parameters: [char *stringpram, int intparam] */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open_ccitt); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open_image); /* new function: checkit not yet completeted :( */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_close_image);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_place_image);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_bookmark);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_info);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_attach_file); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_note); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_pdflink);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_locallink); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_launchlink); /* new function */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_add_weblink);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_border_style);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_border_color);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_set_border_dash);
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_setcolor);
- /* old way of starting a PS document */
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open); /* deprecated */
- /* some more stuff for compatibility */
- #if HAVE_LIBGD13
- PHP_FUNCTION(ps_open_memory_image);
- #endif
- long dummy;
- #ifdef ZTS
- # define PsSG(v) TSRMG(ps_globals_id, zend_ps_globals *, v)
- #else
- # define PsSG(v) (ps_globals.v)
- #endif
- #else
- #define ps_module_ptr NULL
- #endif
- #define phpext_ps_ptr ps_module_ptr
- #endif /* PHP_PS_H */